


  1. Q: What is the tech team?

    A: The tech team is a group of students who want to help and teach other students and teachers about technology and get them to understand it more.

  2. Q: How do I join the tech team?

    A: In order to join the tech team, you should wait until the next recruitment session, and then contact a member and they will email you a form for you to fill out. Fill that out and that would be the application! Good luck!

  3. Q: Sounds like fun! Except, what projects will we be doing besides helping other students and teachers?
    A: We do many projects, like right now, we are doing a tech team premotion video, as we are filming and editing a video of us and "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman." We also do many other projects, like setting up new websites, and helping other teachers move data.

  4. Q: How many people are on the tech team?
    A: There are about 13 people on the tech team.

  5. Q: When are the meetings for the tech team?
    A: We have the tech team meetings right before 1st period on Fridays. They are from 8:00 to 8:25.
